W.H.S. Reunions Classes 1956 thru 1963

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Gloria Clarke Raborn

Maudall Fairchild Hill
Bobby Martin


Charles "Bud" Evens
William "DD" Sumrall
Lily Mae Anderson Revette


Bobby Martin
Jimmy Randall


Elizabeth Morris Gillon
Bettye McCurley Sumrall

Bill White
Dwight Hammack
Malva Carter Weaver


Sidney Ashley

Gloia Dean Anderson Bradley

Joe Wood
Bobby Hartness

Dave Anderson
Gloria Dean Anderson Bradley
Lily Mae Anderson Revette
Jonnie Merrie Anderson Bisanar

Dave Anderson
Gloria Dean Anderson Bradley
Lily Mae Anderson Revette
Jonnie Merrie Anderson Bisanar

Dave Anderson
Gloria Dean Anderson Bradley
Lily Mae Anderson Revette
Jonnie Merrie Anderson Bisanar

Charles Sturgeon
Inez Stugeon
Dick Raborn

Sidney Ashley
Bettye McCurley Sumrall

Billy Joe Jones
Harvey Mike Lofton

Cynthia Miller Calvert 
Donnis McCarstle Lomonaco 

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Photos by Dave & Glenn Anderson

If you have any photos from reunion that you
would like displayed on these pages, please contact me.email